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Schoolwide Program Plan for Raytown South Middle School

In accordance with the Title I Program requirements, the Raytown South Middle Planning and Review Team met on 6/25/19 to discuss strategies to address school needs.  Parents/Guardians are encouraged to contact the building principal if they are interested in being a part of this team.  

As part of the Title I Schoowide plan, Raytown South Middle provides supplemental instruction through a Reading Specialists in grades 6-7 using pull-out and push-in delivery.  

The Raytown School District participates in Professional Learning Communities, utilizes Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support and has a comprehensive Response to Intervention Plan.  In addition, Summer Learning Academy has been created to address the needs of students performing below grade level. 

Raytown South Middle uses strategies to provide opportunities for all children, including subgroups of students, to meet the challenging Missouri Learning Standards.The district uses a multi tiered system of support to meet the academic and behavioral needs of all students.  This includes high quality instruction and tiered interventions aligned with individual student needs, frequent monitoring of student progress to enable results based academic and/or behavioral decisions and use of student data in making important educational decisions (such as those regarding intervention, curriculum, instructional goals and methodologies).

Methods and instructional strategies strengthen the academic program in the school. The general education teacher utilizes the district adopted core curriculum programs.  In addition, differentiated instruction is practiced by the classroom teacher in preparing lessons that address the needs of the students within the class. It is the primary instruction provided to all students. If a student does not make adequate progress, more intensive, explicit instruction and intervention happen in small flexible group settings.

Summer programs are offered to all students during the regular June summer school session.   Summer curriculum is designed to complement the curriculum during the school year and provides additional enrichment in STEM areas. Extended math tutoring is offered to students who are identified as needing enrichment based on STAR scores and performance in class. After school transportation is also provided for these students.

The Raytown School District RTI process follows a problem solving framework for early detection and intervention of students at risk of inadequate learning outcomes in the area of literacy and math. RTI will be a systematic, sequential process to increase performance levels of students and will include the identification of students with literacy and math deficits, the implementation of interventions, and consistent progress monitoring to determine student responsiveness.

The Raytown School District supports an early release Wednesday for job-embedded learning in collaborative teams engaging in the data team process.  In addition, the district offers professional learning during the Back to School schedule and two-half day professional learning days aligned to district and building professional learning plans. District goals are developed each year, and professional learning focuses on these goals. A district math plan outlines specific action steps designed to improve math instruction and student math achievement.  Additional instruction is planned to focus on writing instruction.

District staff actively recruit new teachers at various recruitment fairs around the area. Professional learning activities are offered to all teachers including new teachers during curriculum camp and early release Wednesdays throughout the year.  Training is offered in classroom management, curriculum delivery, instructional strategies, and diversity. New teachers are also assigned a mentor and receive ongoing professional development.